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We are back at it again with Corelle Deals 馃嚭馃嚫 - 拽讜专诇

Edit: no longer available

We have found you two great deals on Corelle Sets for the home. This is also a great gift idea. 

Cups and Plates

The shipping isn't so cheap because the plates aren't exactly light, but it's well worth it in comparison to the price of Corelle in Israel. 
These are coming in and going out of stock quickly, so move fast if you actually want one. 
Also note that you won't be paying VAT (unless your items add up to $75 or above) 
Look at the VAT Calculator 

Corelle Service for 6 Chip Resistant Dinnerware Set, 18-Piece, Portofino

Corelle Service for 6, Chip Resistant, Winter Frost White Dinnerware Set, 18-Piece

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