So, you need to pay Import Deposit Fees - Here's how to lower that cost.
There is a bug with the VAT calculation on some items (not every account is effected) where the Import Deposit Fee is way higher than it should be. Just to note: you will only be charged Import Deposit if your cart goes over $75 (in items themselves, not shipping). But, if you go into this VAT Calculator and notice that the Import Deposit Fee seems significantly higher (note the price of shipping too - this article explains more - ) Then here is your solution - Add a small value item to your cart, such as one in our Dollar Finds List below... and watch your Import Deposit Fee "correct itself". Lastly, you can note that Amazon should return the difference of the Import Deposit Fee if it is higher than what the Tax Authority actually charges... If you don't want to take the chance and also have no desire to wait till they do that, you are in luck... בתקופה האחרונה יש באג מוזר בחישוב ...